Going Green

jim_007By Jim Bona

(Hamilton, NY – Nov. 2014) I killed the TV last week.  It was by accident, but oh, happy accident!

Elvia and I went on vacation for a few days and we rented a cottage at the shore.  Little did I know that it was a bare bones cottage with few amenities.  The major one lacking was the TV. It turned out just fine. It was an abrupt and noticeable severance and took some getting used to.

By the time the vacation was over, the hypnotic hold of the boob tube was broken.  Don’t get me wrong, I missed the sports and the weather report. Not so much the news.  I didn’t miss the commercials at all, especially the political ones.  (I am so glad that that we don’t have to endure those any more).

Since there was no TV there was no choosing to have it on or off. At home, the television is running as background noise. I don’t even have to be in front of it.  I like to have the game on, so I can check the scores. You never know when there is going to be “breaking news” right?  Big waste of electricity. Even worse, it sucks up your mind and thoughts into its vacuous space.  This can be said for most of our electronic devices, which have become a huge part of our lives.  We can’t live without them, not even for a few moments.

The younger you are, the more attached, although I have seen some oldsters who are as addicted as the youngsters.  It is good to escape the stranglehold of technology for a sustained period of time. It cleanses you.  Without the gizmos holding you hostage, you have to seek other forms of communication and entertainment.  Curling up with a good book can be fun; even talking to your husband or wife.

The vacation was good. It went too fast.  When I got home, I didn’t run right to the TV and turn it on, although it did make its way on after a few hours of being home.  I think I will kill my TV more often.  Somehow, it turns back on anyway.  I am going to break that habit.

Jim Bona is recently retired and a resident of the village of Hamilton for more than 30 years.   He is passionate about all things green…and a few other things too. He can be reached at: madnews@m3pmedia.com.

By martha

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