
(Lebanon, NY – Dec. 2014) Lebanon Supervisor Jim Goldstein is issuing a survey for town residents to fill out with regard to the future of natural gas development in the township in response to concerns raised by some local residents about the possible lifting of a moratorium on high volume hydraulic fracturing extraction of natural gas by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Goldstein said the intent of the survey is to assess support for a ban on natural gas development or a ban on the storage or disposal of all drilling wastes in the township in light of the majority of respondents to the Comprehensive Planning Committee survey who indicated strong opposition to HVHF of natural gas in the township, as well as pipelines and compressor stations.

The town is implementing a road use law, but recent feedback from some town residents requested the town board explore the possibility of a local ban on natural gas development that has been upheld by all state courts. Goldstein said residents need to understand that such a ban would include any type of gas drilling and cannot be limited to just HVHF based on the opinion of the state courts.

He said that banning one type of drilling but allowing another such as the type that has typically been done in the township would be the equivalent of regulation of natural gas development and is the purview of the DEC, not local towns. Towns can ban or zone natural gas development but cannot regulate.

Town residents are encouraged to respond to this survey by email, fax or letters to Goldstein; he will keep names anonymous but will share the compilation of results with the Town Board.

By martha

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