Bar-20 Cowboy Action Shooters(West Eaton, NY – July 22, 2015) Bar-20 Cowboy Action Shooters will host an IDPA shoot Saturday July 25 at the Eatonbrook Rod and Gun Club, West Wilcox Road, West Eaton.

There will be four stages set up (around 60 rounds), which the club has found this to be best suited to the room allowable.

There will be a fifth stage, since “bug” is now an actual class; this stage will be used so participants may try another gun. This will be after the regular shoot, time permitting, and will be five shots from the low ready position.

Set up is Saturday morning July 25 between between 8:30 and 9 a.m. Shoot starts promptly at 10 a.m. with a safety meeting just before.

Participants are encouraged to get there early and help set up.

Also, this is a cold range, which means your gun may only be handled in the designated safe area and at your own vehicle and must remain unloaded at all times.

Registration is $10 and will be at a table at the berm.

Club will be available for bathroom facilities.

Participants may bring their own snack and non-alcoholic beverages.

Those interested or beginners are invited. Help is available. New shooters are paired with experienced shooters. Club is new-shooter friendly.

Visit  for more information.

Here is a link for a map to the club:


By martha

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