To the editor:
There seems to be an unprecedented push for Town-Hall type gatherings as of late. I totally understand the frustration with the Government, we’ve all been frustrated for years. What is perplexing is why is the outcry here in New York State coming from the Left and being focused at a freshman in congress?
I am and have been a supporter of Rep. Tenney and the mean-spirited editorials I continue to see seem to be nothing more than “poor sportsmanship” and “rabble-rousing”. I support Rep Tenney because of her tireless fight for the citizens of New York.

In the Assembly, Ms. Tenney proposed everything from bills to prevent the governor from bypassing the legislature, to term limits for the senate and assembly. She has supported local business by fighting “cronyism” including voting no on the Crony Capitalism known as START-UP NY. Ms Tenney is not only a fighter, she is our fighter.
Now it is time to let Rep Tenney concentrate on fighting for us, like she has so far, every step of the way. Do we need Town Halls, of course we do, I for one would like to see Senator Schumer or Gov Cuomo get in front of the citizens of New York who have had to live through the oppression of trying to do business in the most taxed and least free states in America.
It’s time to Make New York Great again, sending the same ol’ Political Cronies to Washington and trying to disrupt the fighters we’ve chosen to fight our battle isn’t the answer.

Edward Hickey

By martha

One thought on “LETTER: Supports Tenney”
  1. As a first year representative, Ms. Tenney’s vote counts as much as any other representative’s. Her votes have been straight party (Trump) line, unabashedly not for the interests of the people. See Carol Coufal’s letter above.

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