Speak Out CNY responds to Tenney’s vote to cut SNAP for 2 million Americans

Group says Farm Bill passed June 21 will endanger access to SNAP for 1.6 million New Yorkers

Speak Out Central New York Spokesman Will Brunelle released the following statement condemning Congresswoman Claudia Tenney’s vote to pass the Farm Bill, which included a provision instituting cruel and indefensible new restrictions on access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program:

“Almost six months to the day after voting to give the richest fraction of the country a $1.5 trillion tax break, Claudia Tenney just voted to punish the poorest and most vulnerable families in the country by instituting draconian new limits on access to SNAP,” Brunelle said. “This program, which serves nearly 1.6 million New York households – including 63,110 in Tenney’s own district – helps working families keep food on the table when they can’t make ends meet.

“Despite decades of evidence proving that the new SNAP work requirements will only succeed in keeping struggling families in poverty, Tenney voted to make it even harder for the 84,000 people in our district who face food insecurity to get the help they need to stay healthy and fed. An estimated 2 million Americans will lose access to the program altogether as a result of the Farm Bill’s passage.

“This is just one more callous stunt designed to help Tenney and her Republican colleagues pay for their massive tax giveaway to the rich, and yet more proof that she is far more concerned with maintaining her own hyperconservative partisanship than with helping Central New Yorkers.”

About Speak Out Central New York

Speak Out CNY is dedicated to educating and empowering Central New Yorkers through grassroots organizing, digital advocacy, and community partnerships. By advocating for policies that help working families make ends meet, we aim to encourage our members of Congress to protect our health care and work to expand economic opportunity.

By martha

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