Pictured from left are 2017-18 Officers, Treasurer Travis Olivera, Secretary Elyse Enea Bellows, President Cindy Bennett, Vice-President Bonny Brownrigg, Past President Heather Irons and President-Elect Francesca Magro.
Pictured from left are 2017-18 Officers, Treasurer Travis Olivera, Secretary Elyse Enea Bellows, President Cindy Bennett, Vice-President Bonny Brownrigg, Past President Heather Irons and President-Elect Francesca Magro.

In a time honored tradition the Mohawk Valley Rotary celebrated its “Changing of the Guard” ceremony Tuesday, June 27. The traditional gavel exchange took place between now Past President Heather Irons and President Cindy Bennett with numerous guests, family members, and Rotarians on hand.

The Club also recognized its incoming 2017-18 Board officers, President: Cindy Bennett, President Elect: Francesca Magro, VP, Bonny Brownrrigg, Treasurer, Travis Olivera, Secretary, Elyse Enea Bellows.

Past President Heather Irons, along with the club members accomplished many tasks during the year including a back to school supply drive, organizing community events, setting up an award scholarship for a high school senior, and establishing a Rotary Interact Club in the Central Valley Academy school system.

During the dinner President Cindy Bennett presented thirteen club members with recognition awards for being an active member in the club for more than ten years. These members were Paul Kucerak, sixty-one years of membership and he is one of the first club charter members.

Roger Skinner for 31 years, Johannes Neckermann for 30 years, Tony Vennera for 26 years, Mindy Barstein for 20 years, Frank Green for 20 years, Rocco Lamanna for 18 years, Andria Heath for 15 years, Fred Northrup for 15 years, Kate Reese for 15 years, and Audrey Dunning for 10 years. The club also made Maria Hunt an Honorary member for years of meritorious service and contributions to the club.

Learn more about The Mohawk Valley Rotary Club through their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/mohawkvalley.rotaryclub.

By martha

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