(Oneida, NY – March 2015) Job Corps, administered by the U.S. Dept. of Labor, offers free career technical training for 16 to 24 year olds in the following areas: auto mechanics, auto body repair, medical and business office, C.N.A., L.P.N, construction, culinary arts, security guard and more.  The program includes up to two years education and training, campus housing, meals and other services.   There is no cost to eligible students.  Both high school graduates and non-graduates may apply.

If needed, a student can also get a NY State High School Equivalency (TASC) or high school diploma – at the same time they train for a career at Job Corps.

Orientation and Application Interviews will be held on Wednesday, April 1 at 10 a.m. at Working Solutions, 1006 Oneida Plaza Drive, Oneida.

All students must call Admissions Counselor Felicia Holland at (315) 478-5529 to see if they are eligible for the program, reserve their seat and find out what documents to bring.

By martha

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