Mayor Robert PalmieriMayor Robert Palmieri today announced that funds are now available for eligible property owners, within the CDBG Target Area, who are interested in installing new sidewalks or replacing existing sidewalks.

The program is being funded with $140,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.

Mayor Palmieri stated, “Infrastructure, safe streets and revitalized neighborhoods continue to be a strong focus of our Administration and sidewalks play a vital role in the walkability of our community.

The Mayor continued, “This enhanced rebate program is funded at greater levels than those previously approved with City funds and specifically targets areas where streets and housing units have already been rehabilitated.”

The enhanced rebate program will operate similar to the City sidewalk rebate program; though properties must be located within the CDBG Target Area to be eligible (a map of the current boundaries of the CDBG Target Area is available on the City’s website –

At a minimum, a rebate of $4 per square foot is available for the mainline sidewalk for both commercial and residential properties (with a $1,000 cap on commercial properties).  Under the new enhanced rebate program, a rebate of up to $6 per square foot is available for certain properties, including:

  • Properties located on streets that have been repaved within the last three (3) years;
  • All properties located on Newell Street;
  • All properties where the existing sidewalk is either slate or asphalt;
  • All properties purchased from the Urban Renewal Agency within the last three (3) years;
  • All properties within the Center City neighborhood that have been improved by Utica Neighborhood Housing Services within the last three (3) years.

For those properties eligible for the enhanced rebate, the driveway apron and the sidewalk between the curb and the mainline walk will also be eligible for the rebate.

For additional information on the enhanced sidewalk benefit, please contact the Engineering Department at 315-792-0152.

By martha

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