girl-scouts-of-america“Through Girl Scouts I have learned that helping other people out will help you in the future. Being nice now and helping out will come back to you when you need it,” says Alora Bailey, a local Girl Scout. “I have learned a lot about animals by having sleepovers at the zoo and the aquarium. I have learned about marketing and customer relations.”

Not only does Girl Scouts teach amazing leadership skills that girls will carry with them for life but it’s a safe environment for girls to take chances, try new things, and learn to succeed.

When girls are given a safe and supportive environment to take chances, despite the potential for failure, they’re able to experience the emotional impact of risk without damaging consequences. Girl Scouts is the premiere place to provide girls with a safe environment for trying new things and overcoming fears, making them greater challenge-seekers, more academically proficient students, and, eventually, more successful adults.

Not only can Girl Scouts try new things but they have many opportunities available to them that they otherwise may not. Girl Scouts can travel around the world. Girl Scouts can earn their Bronze, Silver, or Gold award by helping out a local organization or community. Girl Scouts even have the opportunity to learn about a special interest of theirs such as the media or spending time outdoors. Girls can do anything they want to do as part of Girl Scouts. The limits reach as far as her imagination.

“I am a Girl Scout because I like to learn new things, meet new people, discover my community, and sell cookies,” says local Girl Scout Emma Nagorny. “I have learned that when you work together as a team, your outcome is a lot better. I also learned a lot about the world I live in.”

To find out more about the Girl Scout opportunities available in your area or how to be a role model to the next generation of girls as a Girl Scout volunteer,

Join the adventure, fun and friendship of Girl Scouting. Contact the Girl Scouts’ New Hartford Service Center at 800-943-4414, visit, become a fan, follow,, and, or read the blog for more information.

By martha

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