Assemblyman Al Stirpe
Al Stirpe
Al Stirpe

The New York State United Teachers has endorsed Assemblyman Al Stirpe (D-Cicero) in his re-election bid for the 127th Assembly District.

NYSUT is an organization of more than 600,000 professionals and retirees from New York’s schools, colleges and health care facilities committed to strengthening the teaching profession and providing all kids with a high-quality education.

“As the parent of three children who attended public schools, I’m forever grateful for the teachers who taught my kids from their youngest years into adulthood,” Stirpe said. “My children received a quality education and were prepared for the future because of them.”

“NYSUT, on the recommendation of the members of the CNY region, is proud to stand with any legislator who stands with us in our fight for the best public schools in the nation,” said Andy Voigt, NYSUT Board of Directors. “As we continue to push for fairness and equity in school funding, teacher evaluations and student assessment, we are confident that Al will continue to be our champion in Albany.”

Stirpe remains committed to ensuring that our schools and our teachers have the resources they need to provide a quality education for all kids from pre-K to graduation day. That’s why he worked to secure millions in increased aid for schools across Central New York and a complete repeal of the Gap Elimination Adjustment, which had been shortchanging local schools for many years. Recognizing that teachers shouldn’t be forced to teach to the test, Stirpe has been working to end the tie between performance reviews and test scores, fix the broken Common Core system and eliminate high-stakes testing.

“All children deserve a quality education,” said Stirpe. “I remain committed to ensuring the state fully funds education and takes steps to ensure fair evaluations of both our children and the professionals who work tirelessly to educate them to be successful adults.”

By martha

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