Sheriff Allen Riley
Sheriff Allen Riley
Sheriff Allen Riley

Are you an aggressive driver?


  • Express Frustration. Taking out your frustrations on your fellow motorists can lead to violence or a crash.
  • Fail to Pay Attention when Driving. Reading, eating, drinking or talking on the phone, can be a major cause of roadway crashes.
  • Tailgate. This is a major cause of crashes that can result in serious deaths or injuries.
  • Make Frequent Lane Changes. If you whip in and out of lanes to advance ahead, you can be a danger to other motorists.
  • Run Red Lights. Do not enter an intersection on a yellow light. Remember flashing red lights should be treated as a stop sign.
  • Speed. Going faster than the posted speed limit, being a “road racer” and going too fast for conditions are some examples of speeding.



  • Concentrate. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted by talking on your cellular phone, eating, drinking or putting on makeup.
  • Relax. Tune the radio to your favorite relaxing music. Music can calm your nerves and help you to enjoy your time in the car.
  • Drive the Posted Speed Limit. Fewer crashes occur when vehicles are travelling at or about the same speed.
  • Identify Alternate Routes. Try mapping out an alternate route. Even if it looks longer on paper, you may find it is less congested.
  • Use Public Transportation. Public transportation can give you some much-needed relief from life behind the wheel.
  • Just be Late. If all else fails, just be late.


Get Out of the Way.

  • First and foremost make every attempt to get out of their way. Put Your Pride Aside.
  • Do not challenge them by speeding up or attempting to hold-your- own in your travel lane. Avoid Eye Contact.
  • Eye contact can sometimes enrage an aggressive driver. Gestures.
  • Ignore gestures and refuse to return them.

Report Serious Aggressive Driving.

  • You or a passenger may call the police. But, if you use a cell phone, pull over to a safe location.

By martha

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