Library Director Hilary Deskiewicz
Hilary Virgil
Hilary Virgil

Tuesday, October 18th at 10:30am – Story Time
Story Time for babies, toddlers, and their caregivers is held in the children’s story room, led by Early Childhood Educator, Hilary Virgil.  Story Time for preschoolers will be held in the community room and led by guest reader Kathy Welch. Story Time is held every Tuesday from mid-September through July, unless otherwise closed for a holiday or emergency.

In August 2015, Joanne Geyer approached the Hamilton Public Library with an idea about establishing a fund in memory of her dear friend Eleanor Ross. Eleanor was a beloved member of the community. She was also an avid reader, gardener, and frequent Library visitor over the years.

The memorial fund to benefit the Library was established last year and since then, many of Eleanor’s friends and family members have contributed most generously. Our Library staff and trustees are so touched by this outpouring of support and have tried to mindfully develop plans for honoring her memory as we use these thoughtful gifts to enhance the Library.

Knowing how fond Eleanor was of presidential biographies, we purchased new books about the United States Presidents to update the Library collections for both children and adults. Additionally, we have used a portion of these funds to landscape the front of the Library building. We are so very appreciative to be the recipient of this on-going Eleanor Ross Memorial Fund and are pleased to be able to enhance our collections and spaces to benefit our many patrons and the beautification of our place in the community.

Please join us for a garden party on Friday, Oct. 28, at 4 p.m., on the front lawn at the Hamilton Public Library to celebrate our new books and landscaping and share in their dedication in memory of Eleanor Ross. Refreshments will be served by the Friends of the Library.

Additional information about Library resources, programs and policies, as well as access to our online services, is available through the Library website

From the website, you can also sign up for our listserv and Wowbrary notices to receive emails about general Library news and newly added materials in our collections! Follow us on Facebook for up-to- date information about programs, special events, and other general Library-related information:

The Library is normally open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please visit or call the Library (315) 824-3060 during these hours for assistance. The book drop at the front of the building is always available for your convenience.

By martha

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