(Brookfield, NY – Feb. 2013) Brookfield Central School announces honor roll and high honor roll ending Jan. 25.
High Honor roll
Grade 7
Colin Bugbee, Justin Farber, Ryan Ferris, Molly Head, Emmalyn Smith and Chalee Wratten.
Grade 8
Jack Giedraitis, Samantha Plows and Tyler King.
Grade 9
Jordan Ferris, Rebecca Gorton and Connor Lewis.
Grade 10
Gabriel Mason and Cassandra Rogers.
Grade 11
Ayzia Barber, Cody Beeching, Elizabeth Giedraitis, Jillian Hughes, Brittany Kelly, Jasmin Maine, Darin Penner, Jacob Smith, Ryan Weaver, Samantha Whitaker, Alyssa Worden and Grace Wratten.
Grade 12
Lindsay Bellair, Kati-Jo Blackman, Timothy Darrow, Andrew Karrison, Amber Kupris, Ariel Land, Sayde Owens, Logan Reed, Preston Reilly and Breanna Rogers.
Honor Roll
Grade 7
Tessa Boise, Elizabenth Knecht and Kyleigh Warner.
Grade 8
Kaylee Boise, Kristen DePasquale, Ivy Drouin, Tyler Risley and Kiara Strough.
Grade 9
Derek Beeching, Matthew Harrison, Hunter Keith, Lavonna Loomis, Ashley Owen and Brianna Schermerhorn.
Grade 10
Skyler Suydam
Grade 11
Brendon Beehm and Jacob Cowen
Grade 12
Craig Cook