(Town of Nelson, NY – Sept. 1, 2013) Residents of Cazenovia, DeRuyter, Eaton, Fenner, Lebanon Nelson and all of Madison County:
Please take a lesson from the situation concerning the “winery” in Cazenovia. The Town Board, Planning Board and zoning boards should have listened more carefully to the nearby residents that were worried about the impact on their way of life due to increased traffic and noise from what turned out to be an “entertainment facility” and demanded more information from the group wanting to build this facility. Their quality of life has been greatly impacted by the facility now in their midst.
The results of this situation are minimal compared to the noise, traffic and pollution resulting from Gas and Oil hydraulic fracturing. Please insist that your Town Boards put a BAN and ROAD USE PLAN in place to prevent a situation from which there is no turning back. Our quality of life in this area is why we live here and we must prevent it from being destroyed.
Miriam Barrows
Town of Nelson