state-police-seal-150x150(Oneida, NY – Oct. 9, 2013) In response to periodic inquiries from the public, the New York State Police advises state residents that neither the State Police, nor any agency authorized by it, ever solicits donations from the general public.

A number of organizations with police-styled names conduct fund-raising campaigns in which they solicit monetary donations for various purposes. Solicitors appeal for dollars to help support law enforcement initiatives, such as the purchase of safety equipment, charitable summer camp programs or anti-DWI campaigns.

A recent example of the results of an investigation into the questionable practices of a telemarketer soliciting for a purported charity using the name, The Fraternal Order of New York State Troopers, resulted in the fundraising corporation and its owner being barred from soliciting charitable contributions in New York State and required the Fraternal Order to pay its remaining donations to a legitimate charity.

The New York State Police receives its funding through the State Budget and does not solicit public donations. The only organization authorized to accept donations on behalf of the New York State Police is the not-for-profit Trooper Foundation, Inc., headquartered in Latham (Albany County). Although the Trooper Foundation does accept donations for the State Police Summer Program (to benefit underprivileged children) and other State Police initiatives, it does not engage in telephone solicitations to the general public.

The New York State Office of the Attorney General investigates illegal and questionable telemarketing operations in New York State. Anyone who receives a solicitation by telephone, mail, email or in person, from someone seeking money and who purports to be a representative or employee of the New York State Police, or suggests an affiliation with the New York State Police, is advised to get as many details as possible about the caller and to report this to the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau or the nearest Attorney General’s Office.
As a matter of crime prevention, people should be wary of solicitors who:

Do not provide an address or phone number;

Demand immediate payment or payment in cash;

Seem vague as to how contributions will be spent;

Refuse to provide financial information about a charitable organization;

Appear angry or impatient when asked reasonable questions about the organization they represent or the programs for which contributions will be used.

More tips on charitable giving can be found at the NY State Attorney General’s website: 


By martha

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