Oneida police patch(Oneida, NY – June 2015) According to the Oneida Police Department, with changes in the law regarding fireworks there have been several misconceptions and questions as to what fireworks are legal and what other restrictions apply.

First, municipalities have to enact a local law authorizing for certain fireworks to be sold and used, which was done in Madison County. Sales are only permitted on or before June 1 and through July 5 and Dec. 26 through Jan. 2 of each calendar year.

All distributors, manufacturers and retailers must comply with any and all stale laws and regulations regarding registration requirements.

Only those over the age of 18 may purchase products.

Local codes also have to be complied with for those operating a business that sells fireworks.

The law allows for “sparkling devices” to be sold and used. Sparkling devices are ground-based or handheld devices that produce a shower of white, gold or colored sparks as their primary pyrotechnic effect. Additional effects may include a colored flame, an audible crackling effect, an audible whistle effect and smoke. These devices do not rise into the air, do not fire inserts or projectiles into the air and do not explode or produce a report (an audible crackling-type effect is not considered to be a report).

For a list of these devices and more regulations on sparking devices, visit the Oneida City Police Facebook page.


By martha

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