(Madison County, NY – July 2015) In light of the recent announcement by Mohawk Valley Community College that their child care facility will be closing, the Child Care Council of Cornell Cooperative Extension reminds parents of its free child care referral service.
Referral specialists at the Child Care Council provide individualized child care listings of New York State certified family or group family child care homes, licensed child care centers or school-age (after-school) care programs in Herkimer, Madison or Oneida counties. The referrals are based on the specific care needs of individual families, including hours and days care is needed, location care is sought and the ages of children who require care.
Child Care is in great demand in Madison County, with the 2008-2012 American Community Survey reporting that 74 percent of its households with children under the age of 18 have all available parents in the workforce.
For those in need of child care, such as expecting mothers and those in need of after-school care for the fall, doing so as early as possible is recommended, since slots fill quickly.
Getting your referral in Madison County is now easier than ever. The Child Care Council is available by phone at 888-814-KIDS, online at www.cceoneida.com/childcare or you can download our new FREE ‘Child Care Finder’ app for Android or Apple phones. To download our app, simply search for Child Care Finder in the Google Play or App Store and download the app by Trifecta Media. From the app, you can receive a free child care referral at your convenience.
In addition, referral specialists provide parents with tips and resources on how to choose a quality child care program so that they are able to make an informed choice when selecting a child care program.
The Child Care Council is a non-profit agency that promotes and supports quality child care and services related to the education and well-being of children.