Sue Bartow and Nancy McPherson are shown making Valentines at last year’s Valentine Express event.
Sue Bartow and Nancy McPherson are shown making Valentines at last year’s Valentine Express event.
Sue Bartow and Nancy McPherson are shown making Valentines at last year’s Valentine Express event.

(Morrisville, NY – Jan. 2016) The 5th Valentine Express will be held Tuesday Jan. 19 at 1 p.m. at the Morrisville Community Church’s Fellowship Hall.

Remember the fun we had as kids making valentines?  Remember how much fun it was sharing these valentines with special people?  This is the aim of the Valentine Express.  

During an afternoon of fun and fellowship, the public is invited to help make valentines to fill up the Valentine Express.  The valentines will be delivered to Crouse Community Center for Valentine’s Day 2016.

Materials for making the valentines will be provided. Participants need to bring scissors.  And those who want to make valentines using stamping materials will need to bring their own stamping supplies.

This event is sponsored by the Presbyterian Women’s Ministry team of the Morrisville Community Church.

For more information, call Maxine Hunter at 684:9278.

By martha

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