To the editor:

She grew up in a middle-class union family in rural Madison County. She’s an Air Force veteran, elected DeWitt Town councilor, abortion rights advocate and environmentally focused creator of local jobs. And she’s running in this month’s Democratic primary to become the party’s NY-22 candidate in November to represent us in Congress. Yes, I’m writing about Sarah Klee Hood, and want to offer my personal impressions of her.

I’ve met Sarah, heard her speak at public meetings and forums and interacted informally with her – in-person and remotely – in small groups. Her energetic but relaxed manner and ability to think on her feet immediately impressed me. Since she is very well-informed, she answered directly even the difficult questions on hot-button issues, rather than give the usual vague word-salad response. She also listened to people, welcomed their comments and considered what they had to say. A most personable and pleasant individual, Sarah can get along with everyone without resorting to telling them only what they want to hear.

Sarah’s life experiences and personal attributes make her a perfect fit for the House of Representatives. Additionally, only 28.5 percent of House members are 40 or younger. As the mother of two (public) elementary school daughters, Sarah will advocate for those people who are under-represented in what is supposedly the ‘People’s House.’

Please join me in voting for Sarah Klee Hood in the June 25th Democratic Primary Election.

Dick Meili, Waterville

By martha

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