Oneida City Hall*Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance / Moment of Silence / Roll Call


*Approval of minutes regular meeting 09/20/16

*Approval of Warrant No. 19

1. AGREEMENT: Authorize the Mayor to sign a professional grant writing services agreement with Grantmasters Inc., Lewiston, in the amount of $500 for the 2016 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. (Salerno)

2. BUDGET TRANSFER: Approve a budget transfer for unforeseen unemployment costs and to allocate State Aid Funds received for purchase of turnout gear. (Pease/Wells)

3. CITY LOAN: Per the recommendation of the Revolving Loan Committee, approve a City of Oneida Loan and budget amendment in the amount of $75,000.00 for property located at 125 Farrier Avenue. (Rose)

4. CAPITAL PROJECT 16-02 BUYOUT PROGRAM: Authorize that vouchers be prepared and checks be drafted on an immediate, as needed, basis for the properties scheduled for closing through Capital Project 16-02 for the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant – Housing Buyout Program HMPG4031-0035 thereby by-passing the City of Oneida’s Purchasing Policy. (Bell/Acker)

5. AMEND 2016 BUDGET – BUDGET TRANSFER: Amend the 2016 Budget to include a part-time provisional account clerk for the Mayor’s office. (Mayor)


EXECUTIVE SESSION – Discussion relating to the proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property (Stedman)

By martha

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