Jim Goldstein
Jim Goldstein
Jim Goldstein


MONDAY, OCT.10, 2016


7:30 P.M.

I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

II. Privilege of the Floor

III. Approval of Minutes

IV. Payment of Bills and Claims

V. Town Officer Reports

  • Planning Board Chair/LMLL Chair reports
  • Town Justice
  • Dog Control Officer
  • Code Enforcement Officer- enforcement updates
  • Town Assessor
  • Town Clerk
  • Highway Superintendent
  • Supervisor

8 P.M. – Public Hearing – Partnership for Community Development Grant/Loan

Proposal for expansion of Kriemhild butter plant

8:30 PM – Public Hearing on Local Law No. 1 of 2016 Tax Cap Override

V. Resolutions

  • Accepting 2017 proposed tentative budget/scheduling budget workshop/hearing dates
  • Authorizing PCD application for grant/loan for Kriemhild butter plant expansion
  • Adopting Local Law No. 1 of 2016 Tax Cap Override
  • Fund transfers for 2016 Town budget
  • Frontier phone service and email transfers/Time Warner Cable installation
  • Reaffirming a safety officer and committee
  • Other resolutions

VII. Discussion Items

  • Fire and ambulance contract updates
  • Time Warner Cable contract for phone/internet service update
  • 2017 Town Budget – budget workshop topics/tax cap override
  • Old and new business/miscellaneous

IX. Privilege of the Floor

X. Executive Session (if needed)

XI. Adjournment

By martha

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