Screen-Shot-2014-06-19-at-11.51.02-PM-e1403236193818“The manufacturing industry has played a pivotal role in the growth of the American economy, creating millions of jobs. As the owner of a small manufacturing business, I understand the importance of these jobs to our community and our local economies.

“Although manufacturing remains a large source of jobs for the 22nd Congressional District, manufacturing has experienced a significant decline in Central New York. As a small business owner, I experience firsthand the devastating effects of excessive tax and regulatory policy coming from Albany and Washington.

“Unfair trade deals along with the nation’s highest taxes and most onerous regulations have caused a massive loss in manufacturing throughout New York. In the post-NAFTA era, America has lost over 4 million manufacturing jobs. It is critical that we enact policies that will keep our jobs here and grow our manufacturing industry. In Congress, I will fight for American manufacturers and American workers.”

By martha

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