Tuesday, February 21st at 10:30am – Story Time
Story Time for babies, toddlers, and their caregivers is held in the children’s story room, led by Early Childhood Educator, Hilary Virgil. Story Time for preschoolers will be held in the community room and led by guest teacher Sharon Morley. Story Time is held every Tuesday from mid-September through July, unless otherwise closed for a holiday or emergency.
Tuesday, February 21st, from 2pm to 4pm – Life-size “Sorry” Game (Ages 10+)
Tweens and teens ages ten and up are invited to play a life-size game of “Sorry”. don’t be “sorry” you missed this exciting event! Refreshments will be provided by the Friends of the Library.
Thursday, February 23rd from 2:30-4pm – Adult Coloring Club
Grown-ups need some Zen time too— feel free to bring your favorite materials or use some of ours. Come color, chat, and enjoy some refreshments courtesy of the Friends of the Library.
Friday, February 24th from 2-4pm – Marble Run Party
If you haven’t lost your marbles yet, we hope you’ll join us at the Hamilton Public Library to help build and test out a giant marble run in the Community Room!Refreshments will be provided by the Friends of the Library.
February is for Library lovers! What does our Library mean to you and our community? Stop by the circulation desk to fill out a heart for our display, or post a message on our Facebook page to tell us what you love most about our library!
Where is the Cat in the Hat? That tricky cat will be visiting different local businesses and area landmarks as he gets ready to celebrate Seuss Saturday. Stop by the Hamilton Public Library each week from February 6th-March 4th to look for clues from where he’s been and write down your best guess. If you guess correctly, your name will be entered into a Saturday drawing to win a Dr. Seuss book from the Colgate Bookstore! We have four books to give away and you can participate once every week to try to track that crazy cat as he makes his way around town! Seuss fans of all ages are invited to participate in the community-wide Seuss Saturday Celebration on Saturday, March 4th. Check out the themed activities around town free of charge! For more information about Seuss Saturday and the full schedule of events, call or stop by the Library (315-824- 3060) or Colgate Bookstore (315-228-7480), or visit http://bit.ly/seuss2017.
Additional information about Library resources, programs and policies, as well as access to our online services, is available through the Library website http://midyorklib.org/hamilton/.
From the website, you can also sign up for our listserv and Wowbrary notices to receive emails about general Library news and newly added materials in our collections! Follow us on Facebook for up-to- date information about programs, special events, and other general Library-related information: http://www.facebook.com/HPL.books.
The Library is normally open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; visit or call the Library (315) 824-3060 during these hours for assistance. The book drop at the front of the building is always available for your convenience.