Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate issues comptroller’s statement economic impact analysis

The Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate, located in Rome, New York, leads the Air Force and Nation in Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) and Cyber science, technology, research and development.

It has a substantial economic impact within the Utica-Rome Metropolitan Statistical Area, as well as the Syracuse MSA. The total economic impact area includes the 5 counties of Herkimer, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga and Oswego.

The site’s Economic Impact Analysis for Fiscal Year 2017 estimated the total annual economic impact to be $392 million. This is a $37 million increase (10.6 percent) from FY 2016.

Some key economic factors:

  • In FY 2017, the directorate received the most funds in the history of the lab, totaling over $1.3 billion.
  • The Information Directorate had a work force of 782 military and civilian employees in FY 2017.  Combined annual salaries were over $92 million. Approximately 97 percent of the civilian workforce makes its home in the 5-county impact area. The number of civilians decreased from FY 2016, in part due to a temporary federal hiring freeze. The civilian payroll remained approximately the same since there was also a 1 percent pay raise in 2017.
  • There were 422 on-site contractors under Air Force contracts during FY 2017. Annual payroll for these on-site contractors was estimated to be $53 million.
  • Annual expenditures of the Information Directorate in the 5-county impact area totaled $193 million in FY 2017. Included in this figure are local service and facility modernization contracts, as well as research and development contracts granted to contractors in the 5-county impact area. Annual expenditures increased $32.6 million from the previous year. This was primarily due to a 36 percent increase in research and development contracts granted to contractors in the impact area.
  • The FY 2017 Economic Impact Analysis estimates the Information Directorate was responsible for an additional 1,367 indirect jobs in the 5-county impact area. The estimated annual dollar value of these local jobs created was $58 million, which was a $3 million increase from FY 2016.

The Air Force Research Laboratory is a component of Air Force Materiel Command. The Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate research activities are conducted in support of various Air Force mission objectives. AFRL/RI employs over 700 government and military and 400 Contractors, with over 1.3 Billion in FY17 funding.

By martha

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