To the Editor:
(Town of Madison, NY – July 2013) During what appeared to be a carefully scripted “workshop” on Wednesday June 26, Madison Town Supervisor [Ron] Bono unveiled a new Districting concept for the siting of Industrial Wind Turbines throughout the Town of Madison, based upon the Town of Fenner Zoning Law. In doing so, the Town Board admitted it ignored the public comments received at the Public Hearing on the proposed Law and the 400+ signature petition signed by residents of the Town asking for necessary protective regulations.
The Board continued to refuse public comment or request input by the Wind Advisory Committee, which after many months of diligent effort considering all issues raised by residents of the Town, submitted a very comprehensive proposed Wind Law to the Town Planning Board.
Requirements in the Town will be less protective than the proposed Wind Law submitted to the Board by the Planning Board. The proposed Wind Districts will have even less stringent requirements, hoping to satisfy the developer.
The stated and obvious goal of the workshop was to promulgate a Wind Law acceptable to developers and especially EDP, which had submitted a private letter to Supervisor Bono setting forth its requirements. The stated goal of the workshop was to fashion a law that would promote further development of Industrial Wind Facilities in the Town of Madison.
Comments by the Board were, “Will the regulations be acceptable to the developer?” and “We need to show the developer we are trying to meet their requests.”
We need a law that protects the residents of Madison not that satisfies the requests of developers at residents’ expense.
Supervisor Bono and the Town Council that follows his lead will not consider resident input. Perhaps a change in leadership is necessary.
Very truly yours,
David E. Sonn
Town of Madison