Artist Delynn Orton will guide adult students in a class about making jewelry from acrylic paint pouring designs at Oneida Public Library on Thursday, July 18, 6:00-8:00 p.m., followed by a finishing class Thursday, July 25, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
“I will show students how to create jewelry for those wishing to wear large jewelry but are unable to sustain the weight of most costume jewelry,” Orton said. “Students will pour paint for the initial composition, use a form to make the earring shape and add beads and findings to complete a pair of handmade earrings.”
As a bonus, the students, using the “negative space technique,” will create a poured painting on an 8 by 10-in. canvas.
The fee for the two classes, $45.00 per person, covers the cost of all pouring and jewelry materials plus instruction. Pre-registration at the OPL Circulation Desk with payment is required before the day of the first class. Participants should wear sensible old clothes or smocks for pouring.
For more information, stop by the Oneida Library, 220 Broad St., or call 315-363-3050.