Matt Pelicano, the author of the recently published non-fiction book for young adults, “Tabouli: The Story of Heart-Driven Diabetes Alert Dog,” will talk about his book and the work of service dogs in company with a service dog in training at Oneida Public Library at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2019.
“Tabouli,” with illustrations by Cecile Brissard, tells the story of a real-life diabetes alert dog who lives with his owner, 13-year old Elizabeth Vaughan, in Greenville, S.C. Cruelly abandoned as a puppy, Tabouli finds a home with Elizabeth’s family and learns through his devotion to overcome many obstacles to become a certified service dog.
To accompany Pelicano’s talk, the OPL will welcome a local service dog in training, Odin, a 1-and-a-half year-old black Labrador retriever.
Pelicano, a native of Rome, lives in Greenville, S.C., and is the author of two picture books for young readers: “With Just an Empty Shoe Box,” illustrated by Megan Pelicano, and “Philbert Larue Had a Hole in His Shoe,” illustrated by Ashley Spikings.
The book talk with Matt Pelicano is free and open to all ages. For more information, stop by the library at 220 Broad St., Oneida, or call 315.363.3050.