Pictured is Beth Totten. File photo.

Submitted by Library Manager Liz Metzger

We are proud to showcase long-time Canastota Public Library staff member and newly published author Beth Totten at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 25, 2022. Beth Totten will read from her debut book of poetry, “Connections,” that also contains the beautiful, full color photographs of her youngest son, Jake Totten.

This mother-son duo collaborated on the project during the pandemic and have produced a slim, heartfelt volume that speaks to life’s myriad connections. Since this is a journey we all share, Beth Totten’s words and Jake Totten’s photographs will touch everyone in different ways.  The reader will discover a variety of themes from depression to hope, growth, renewal and joy.

Beth Totten has been employed at the Canastota Public Library for the past 16 years and recently transitioned to part-time. She produces all of the library’s public relations messaging, manages the library’s Facebook account, developed and implemented our robotics programs, leads the evening and teen writing groups, leads the Lit Club book discussion group and much more.

Jake Totten is a botanist and amateur photographer who lives near Bar Harbor, Maine, but will be attending Syracuse University this fall for graduate studies in landscape architecture.

Copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing at this event. The event will be held on the second floor of the library, accessible by elevator. Everyone is welcome.

By martha

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