Submitted by John Rusavage
There will be a Bar-20 Action Shooters black powder match at Eatonbrook Rod & Gun Club at 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022. This is a 20-shoot match all on steel of various sizes and distances. Farthest will about 100 yards, and the closest will be about 25 yards. This event is open to anything that is shooting black powder (or substitute): Muzzle, inline or cartridge. I will be shooting a Sharps, if that gives an idea.
New cross sticks are allowed. After we are done, the far lane will be open for shooting on your own, so bring your deer guns/bows/shotguns and shoot that.
This will close when the Eatonbrook is ready to run their deer shoot.
Eatonbrook is going to have some hotdogs for all the shooters. Also, I remind shooters this is a cold range, meaning your gun may only be handled in designated safe areas and at your own vehicle and must remain unloaded at all times.
Registration is $10; there will be at a table in parking lot. Bring your own soft drinks; no alcohol is allowed.
Even if you do not shoot, stop and see if you would be interested, and don’t worry if you have never done it. Just come on down, and we will help. We are a very shooter-friendly club.
Thank you for your support.