The Madison County Board of Supervisors honored Bruce Burke Nov. 10, 2022, for his long-standing and dedicated volunteer service to the community. Board Chairman John M. Becker read a proclamation and presented Burke with a plaque to recognize him for his contributions to Madison County.

“Bruce is not only a staple in our Board Chambers, but in our community,” said Chairman John M. Becker. “I got to know Bruce when I became the Sullivan Supervisor and I asked him then to come cover the town board meetings, and he has ever since. He provides a great service for our community by giving people access to our government meetings. That is why we wanted to honor him and to thank him for his years of dedication, and of course for all of the laughter.”

“You can always count on Bruce,” said Madison County Public Information Officer Samantha Field. “Bruce never misses a meeting, he walks in to the Chambers with his camera in one hand, tripod in the other and always a smile on his face. He even came in person to our first-ever all virtual Board of Supervisors meeting in April 2020. At that time, we didn’t know much about COVID-19, and we were all supposed to stay away from one another, but there was Bruce with his camera in hand and mask on his face. Thank you Bruce for all you do.”

Burke has volunteered his time with PAC99, Oneida’s Public Access Channel on Time Warner Cable (now Spectrum), since its first lighting in November 1989. He and a few volunteers cover government meetings, events and other notable presentations in numerous towns, villages and schools, as well as Madison County itself.

By martha

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