DY-WORLD(Cazenovia, NY – Oct. 2013) The First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia will celebrate World Communion Sunday on Oct. 6 at the 10 a.m. service.  The Rev. Dr. Steven Thomas will deliver the message.

The first Sunday in October was set aside by the Presbyterian Church in 1936 to celebrate World Communion Sunday.  By 1940 the now National Council of Churches helped spread this celebration to other denominations.  Those were turbulent time as the seeds of World War II were starting to grow.  The need for Christians to collect in unity was apparent then as it is apparent now.

World Communion Sunday is a day for all Christians – of whatever background and of whatever theological tradition – to recollect that we are in fact one in Christ and that the table we receive communion is at God’s table – not our own.

It is a captivating image of men, women and children of every language, color and nationality gathering in fields, straw huts, brick schools, wooden churches and stone cathedrals to praise God and entering into both a physical and spiritual communion with one another.

If you are looking for an open and friendly place to celebrate Sunday morning worship, please join us at the Cazenovia Presbyterian Church.  Child Care and Sunday School are available during the service.  For more information contact the church at 655-3191 or www.cazpres.org.


By martha

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