letterstotheeditorRegarding the Drilling Moratorium Extension

(Brookfield, NY – Oct. 2013) Lois and I and many members of my family enthusiastically urge you to vote for extending the present drilling moratorium in this township.

In doing so we’ll be joining with many other communities who have voted for extending similar moratoriums and bans.  Clearly these are vitally important expressions of Home Rule that protect one’s community from the nefarious profit seeking outside interests whose main objective is to exploit, divide and destroy a way of life and environment that must be protected at all costs.  The vast majority of the people in this community stand collectively together in defense against unproven promises with possibly catastrophic and irreparable environmental damage.  We have many specific reasons for holding this opinion.

The reasons for a moratorium in the first place have not changed.  As more and more information comes to light, widespread evidence has clearly shown that fracking is inherently dangerous and destructive.

The harm from fracking, once done, cannot be undone.

The recent flooding in Colorado, which could happen here at any time, demonstrates that deadly toxic spills from drilling could do irreparable damage.

There are many legal cases pending in the courts that necessitate careful local watching.  Negative opinions could potentially do permanent damage to Home Rule.

Under the most recent SGEIS open waste pits are allowed, contrary to what the public was led to believe.

We must use a moratorium to diligently watch the potential for frack drilling on Indian tribal federal trust land.  The Oneida Nation under the name Ardent Resources has a New York State DEC permit pending for gas wells in Brookfield.  Frack drilling on Indian land takes place outside of DEC regulation.

Compulsory Integration.  Neighbors can drill under your land.  You are legally forced to allow this.  Your right to say NO doesn’t exist.  What you might get gratis is contaminated fracking fluids, toxic chemicals and polluted water under your property.

Increasingly, Home Owner Insurance renewals are being denied on property with a gas well, or close to one.  You can’t get a mortgage or re-financing unless you have Home Owner’s Insurance.  Mortgages are being denied to property purchases because of the inability to have Home Owner’s Insurance.  What would this do to your property value if you couldn’t sell it because you live near a gas well?

Brookfield and its residents deserve to be protected.  The DEC will not do it.  The Federal government will not do it.  It’s up to the Town Board to protect this town.  Please extend the drilling moratorium.  We must act quickly in our own defense.

Kindest personal regards,

Hobie and Lois Morris









By martha

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