Submitted by Chris Rossi for Hamilton Town Council

(Hamilton, NY – Dec. 31, 2013) The December Hamilton Town Council meeting involved a fair amount of housekeeping. Payment of bills was approved and resolutions passed on a variety of issues.

During our November elections new laws were passed changing both Highway Superintendent and Town Clerk/Tax Collector from elected to appointed positions. The next step was taken at the Town Council meeting, and resolutions were passed appointing Bert Glazier as Highway Superintendent and Sue Reymers as Town Clerk/Tax Collector for one year terms starting in January of 2014. These appointments will become 2-year terms in 2015, so that the appointments will not coincide with election years.

Tax collection for 2014 is undergoing a change. In an effort to streamline the tax collection process and save staff time and money, the Town of Hamilton and Madison County have joined together in a pilot program for the 2014 tax collection. Through an agreement with Madison County, all of the 2014 tax collection will be handled for our town at the Madison County Treasurer’s Office. Look for a notice in with your January Tax Bill explaining the easiest ways to make payments directly to the County.

Survey collection for the Comprehensive Plan has ended. Thanks to all who filled out a survey and shared their concerns and wishes for Hamilton. Over 500 people responded, representing a very impressive more than 30 percent of those surveyed. The comprehensive Plan committee is working with data from the survey and workshop to create a vision statement for the Town, and to organize focus groups. All data will be posted to the Comprehensive Plan website in the new year.

The records retention committee has ordered shelving and supplies as it makes its way through sorting the Town’s records. Volunteers were thanked and acknowledged for their continuing help. Colgate’s Upstate Institute will supply a student intern to assist with the work over the holiday break.

A resolution was passed thanking Cathy Hotaling for her 20 years of service to the Town of Hamilton. Cathy is retiring from her role as Town Clerk/Tax Collector, and the Town Council joined in expressing gratitude for her dedication to the Town and wishing her well.

Carolyn Todd was also thanked for her 4-year term as a Town Council member. We will miss Carolyn’s diligence and hard work, and look forward to her continued presence on the Records and Retention and Comprehensive Plan committees.

The Hamilton Town Council meets on the second Thursday of the month at the Town of Hamilton office in the Village of Hamilton at 7 p.m. Our next regular meeting is Thursday, Jan. 9. We invite and encourage you to join us.

For more info visit


By martha

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