
(Oneida County, NY – March 2014) The Oneida County Association of Towns (OCAOT) will have two guest speakers (to be named closer to the event) at their April 8 dinner meeting to be held at Marble Hill Inn (4482 Marble Hill Road) in Oneida. An official from the Office of the New York State Comptroller will discuss fiscal stress in local government, and an official from the New York State Division of Budget will discuss the property tax cap.

The meeting starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. The guest speakers will begin after dinner has been served.

“During our meeting in January, we had two guest speakers and it seemed to go quite well,” said Fritz Scherz, OCAOT President. “Given that, we’re going with the two speaker format for our April meeting. The two topics we have selected will be quite timely and go well together, as fiscal stress can certainly impact dealing with the property tax cap and vice versa. I hope to see many of my colleagues from local government in Oneida County at this meeting and encourage those interested to sign up right away as seating is limited.”

The OCAOT has a goal of helping towns obtain greater economy and efficiency, and to provide learning and networking opportunities for town officials. Officials from local government in Oneida County are welcome to attend all OCAOT meetings.

The cost per attendee is $20.

For reservations, contact Fritz or call: (315) 363-3509 no later than March 31.

For more information on the OCAOT, go to: or contact Fritz.


By martha

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