
To the Editor:

(DeRuyter, NY) Regarding a recent DeRuyter Town Board meeting, I have some questions and concerns regarding the hazard mitigation plan for DeRuyter. First, I read the Town Supervisor’s revised plan, which was basically the same as the previous plan. There was no reference to the heavy industry of hydrofracking, which has the potential for multiple negative impacts to our community. Throughout our country there has been a steady stream of mishaps form the drilling process. There are documented ill effects, and these are the only ones we know about.

Because of very limited oversight much damage goes unnoticed or with scarce publication. Pay the fine and continue, business as usual.

Some have said that they won’t drill here. Then why are thousands of acres leased in DeRuyter and over 84,000 acres leased by the gas industry in Madison County? Remember, it’s not just the Marcellus shale they are going after; it’s the Utica shale, too.

Just recently, the gas company that went belly-up is selling its leases to another gas company to some landowners on Dugway Road. Why? Also there has been a recent transaction involving thousands of dollars with a gas company between Sheds and Georgetown. Why again if no drilling will be going on?

Dominion Transmission has proposed a new natural gas compressor station facility in Georgetown. This is not a small thing; infrastructure build out means more fracking. This fracked gas will be sold to the highest bidder abroad, while causing damage to our water, air and health here at home.

Oil and gas wells and some compressor and pump stations are exempt from regulation of air emissions under sections of the Clean Air Act. Hazardous air pollutants are difficult to detect. DEC inspectors lack the sophisticated equipment needed to detect benzene and other toxic chemicals. These chemicals known as volatile organic compounds can put people at risk of developing neurological diseases and cancers among other illnesses.

Why no safeguards for DeRuyter? Where’s our insurance policy that prevents the negative effects of drilling? When not nice things happen in our country – 911, school shooting, a marathon bombing and weather disasters – mitigation plans were put in place even though none of the mishaps occurred to their town, school or airline.

Communities make changes from viewing the misfortunes of others. It’s too late to buy fire insurance when there’s smoke coming out of your house.

Our town should have a moratorium and begin working on a road use and comprehensive plan. It’s about time the DeRuyter government represents the majority of people in DeRuyter who don’t want hydrofracking in their town. Doing nothing is a green light for hydrofracking, and people know it. Government has an obligation to serve their constituents and the public interest, not just themselves.

The hazard mitigation plan that I read made references for public input meetings. When are we going to have public input regarding the plan for DeRuyter?

Joe Yankowski, DeRuyter

By martha

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