To the Editor:
(Cazenovia, NY – Oct. 2014) On November 4, we will have another opportunity to decide who represents us in government for the next 2 to 4 years. Let’s be good citizens — take the time to get informed, go to the polls, and vote!
The TV commercials being run by Cuomo and Maffei supporters seem to assume we know nothing about our government. For example, an ad implying a County Executive took dentures out of Medicare? Medicare is a FEDERAL program. And, an ad holding a Federal Prosecutor responsible for activities in Congress.
Personally, I do not think actions taken by President Obama or Governor Cuomo have helped our Country, or our State. And, they are getting worse. (President Bush had to decide to shutdown air travel quickly to stop further attacks on major city centers). President Obama cannot decide when to close our borders to protect us from Ebola; and, apparently has a plan to give photo IDs and work permits to millions of illegal immigrants AFTER this election.
For my lifetime, the Democrats have had control of the federal government – often absolute control; and, the Republicans have never had absolute control. Yet, according to “news” reports, Republicans are responsible for all of our problems. Really?
Party matters, vote Republican November 4. Republican politicians aren’t perfect, but they are better than the alternative.
George Puzey, Cazenovia