4c_Vert(Hamilton, NY – Feb. 2015) Good Nature Farm Brewery & Tap Room (GNB) will purchase a five acre parcel located just south of the village of Hamilton on the west side of state Route 12B in the town of Hamilton.

The property is currently owned by Colgate University. GNB plans to build a new brewery and tourism facility.

This project is supported by a grant by New York State’s Empire State Development and the I ♥ NY Division of Tourism under Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Regional Economic Development Council Initiative.

The project involves the construction of a 6,000 feet building to serve as a brewing facility with ancillary indoor and outdoor retail and event space including a tasting room. An existing 3,500 feet building will be renovated for use as warehouse and office space.

Events and activities at the brewery are expected to draw tourists from all over the state, and direct people to downtown Hamilton to its Tap Room facility, and to patronize local businesses.

The project will immediately create an additional 16 full-time jobs, while retaining 10 existing jobs, and creating additional part-time positions.

Good Nature is actively seeking opportunities to partner with nearby educational institutions such as SUNY Morrisville and Colgate University on complimentary projects.

Colgate University’s Upstate Institute plans to partner with Good Nature to develop community-based learning opportunities for students. Colgate students will continue to manage the university’s community garden on the property, where it has been in operation since last spring. GNB will host a public forum in the village of Hamilton in February to field questions about their project; date and time to be determined.

As New York State’s First Farm Brewery, GNB is legally bound to purchase state grown ingredients. GNB is also committed to continuing to work with predominantly state suppliers for its other needs.

The diversification and expansion of the company under the Farm Brewery license, and in a new location, will allow GNB to expand the collaborative efforts that have been a hallmark of their brand and business model since its inception.

In addition to drawing tourists to the region, GNB will be able to support and promote more state family farms, small businesses, and artists, and create many more new jobs in its burgeoning industry and beyond.



By martha

One thought on “Good Nature Farm Brewery to Purchase Parcel for New Facility”
  1. This is a great opportunity to bring beer brewing to the forefront of attractions for tourists. It would be wonderful to see cross-regional co-operation, with say the breweries of NC in the App Mtns.

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