(Hamilton, NY – May 2015) Village of Hamilton voters and other interested citizens have the opportunity to muster and compare three candidates for mayor Tuesday June 2 at the Hamilton Forum candidates’ night at the Colgate Inn. The event is sponsored by the Hamilton Rotary Club.
Harvey Kliman and Bob McVaugh, who have served the village in appointed positions, seek elective village office for the first time. They face incumbent mayor Margaret Miller, who prior to her two terms as mayor served as an elected trustee.
The candidates will share their vision for the future of Hamilton and outline their objectives for the village government they hope to lead. A list of their qualifications and accomplishments will be given to all who attend the forum.
Assisted by timekeeper Carl Albrecht, it will be moderated by former mayor Larry Baker.
The Forum will be held in the Green Room of the Colgate Inn. Members of the audience are asked to come early, sign in with the forum organizers, and take their seats before the forum starts at 7 p.m.
After the candidates give opening statements, the bulk of time will be devoted to questions from village voters. All questions must be directed to all three candidates who will take turns giving timed answers. Questioners may ask a follow-up question to a candidate’s answer.
Time permitting, the candidates can ask one question of each other, and journalists may ask one question of all three candidates. After brief concluding statements by the candidates the forum ends at 8:30 p.m. Then the candidates will be available in the ante-room to voters who wish to talk with them informally.