Pictured are scenes from the library’s summer reading program sign-up event.
Hamilton Public Library News
By Hilary Virgil, Library Director
(Hamilton, NY – June 2015) Bam, pow, read—Every hero has a story. Our hero-themed Summer Reading Program is off to a great start. Many thanks to the Friends of the Library for treating us to ice-cream sundaes for this event; we served 140 people that evening and our reading club sign-ups are filling up. Not to worry if you couldn’t make it to our kick-off, it’s not too late to come in and sign up.
For more information about the Summer Reading Program and our up-coming special events, please stop by the Library or look for this information on our website. For our planning purposes, please be sure to call or stop by the Library to sign up to participate in the reading program and some of our special events. We hope to see you here this summer.
There’s always a mystery at the Library. Was it Miss Scarlet in the ballroom with a revolver, or maybe Colonel Mustard in the conservatory with a candlestick? Your favorite “whodunit” board game comes to life with a special Library flair. Ages 10 and up are invited to join in the fun on Monday, June 29 from 6 to 7 p.m. as we turn the Community Room into a giant game board and try to solve the mystery in our very own Library life-size Clue game. Please call or stop by the Library in advance to register for this event.
Are you afraid of far-out foods, or do you find the unfamiliar fabulous? Ages 10 and up are invited to sign up for our “Fear Factor” Food Challenge and visit with Alicia Klep , who is author of The World’s Strangest Food, on Thursday July 2 from 3 to 4 p.m. Participants will be offered opportunities to taste of a variety of foods from around the world. If this is not your kind of fare, feel free to come and watch the festivities. Please stop by the Library in advance to register for this event and pick up a parental permission form.
Additional information about Library resources, programs and policies, as well as access to our online services, is available through the Library website http://midyorklib.org/hamilton/. From the website, you can also sign up for our listserv and Wowbrary notices to receive emails about general Library news and newly added materials in our collections! Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information about programs, special events, and other general Library-related information: http://www.facebook.com/HPL.books.
The Library is normally open Monday-Friday, 10am to 7pm, and Saturday, 10am to1pm. Please visit or call the Library (315) 824-3060 during these hours for assistance. The book drop at the front of the building is always available for your convenience.