County Seal(Madison County, NY – July 15, 2015) The Madison County Health Department announced today the county’s first positive Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) mosquito pool this season, collected July 6 at a trap site on Moore Road in the town of Sullivan.

The type of mosquito identified is primarily a bird-biting species. The test results from the State Department of Health’s Wadsworth Center Laboratories were reported to the Madison County Health Department on July 13.

“Residents should take steps at home to prevent mosquito bites,” said Madison County Public Health Director Eric Faisst. “Avoiding mosquito bites is the single best thing to do.  Apply insect repellent when you are outside and limit outside activity between dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. We live in areas where mosquitoes thrive and cannot be eliminated, so we must be vigilant with our personal protection.”

Enhanced surveillance activities by the Madison County Health Department are underway. An additional mosquito trapping site will be added, the county’s Disease Surveillance Committee will be engaged, and public education will increase to at-risk residents, large animal veterinarians, equine owners and horse stables in the county. Horses are very sensitive to EEE and monitoring both human and animal health are key elements of the Department’s surveillance program.

Veterinarian and horse owners are encouraged to contact Madison County Health Department if a horse begins displaying neurological signs of illness. Horses are also recommended for EEE vaccination every 6 months, or twice a year.

Any further actions beyond increasing personal protection will be taken if deemed necessary to control the EEE virus. If aerial spraying is found to be necessary, public notification will be issued through the news media.

The Madison County Health Department recommends these steps for residents to take at home:

*Apply insect repellents that contain DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, and follow label instructions.

*Make sure that doors and windows have tight-fitting screens to keep out mosquitoes and repair or replace screens with tears or holes.

*Eliminate standing water and containers that can hold water from around the home.

*Turn over wheelbarrows and wading pools when not in use.

*Clean, maintain and chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor saunas and hot tubs and drain pool covers. Report neglected swimming pools to your local codes enforcement officer.

*Change the water in birdbaths and horse troughs regularly, at least twice a week.

*Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, socks and footwear if you must be outside.

*Use mosquito netting over infant carriers, cribs, and strollers.

Encephalitis infections like EEE include symptoms of sudden high fever, muscle pains, and a headache of increasing severity. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.

For more information on WNV or EEE, call the Madison County Health Department at 315-366-2361 or visit

By martha

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