Bill Mayers
bill mayers
Bill Mayers, A Confederate Yankee

Month after month, we’re subjected to ceaseless rant in the political arena, to the point that it’s a shame that our old mental institutions closed.

The rant out of certain would-be presidential candidates has become evidence of serious derangement, and the media, happy not to have to do real journalism, is only too happy to print or broadcast that which should, in a sane world, be flushed down the old crapper.

There will always be contrary opinions on every possible topic. That’s how a democracy works. But  the name-calling, the vulgar insults, the outright lies? The outright refusal to so much as admit there are any options but mine?

Neighbors, we’ve allowed our politicians to descend into the deepest recesses, the most absurd and shameful of pits. The crew of the Ship of State has gone berserk and the passengers wallow helplessly in a sea of vomit. Rather than Make America Great, this pack of vermin are doing their best to drive it back into the stone age.

It does not look good for this glorious nation!

We the People are going to have to take charge. We have to remind these dimwits in the media that there are rules of conduct among civilized people that demand far better of them. You don’t print or broadcast filth, even if it comes from a chump who starred in his own idiotic television series. You study the issues, and when the would-be candidates step into the spotlight, you ask serious, meaningful questions and you don’t stand for nonsense and pretend your questions have been answered. You don’t favor the loudest and most obnoxious over the opposition.

You make damn sure you give all of them equal time cuz YOU are not the ones who decide on their worthiness, WE are!

And a word for the candidates: We the People are not impressed with your current behavior. The continued existence of America depends on leaders who work together, sweat together and come up with workable approaches to an increasingly hostile world. We face the potential of profound military challenges from overseas.  We face equally serious challenges to the environment, yet you jerks plug your ears when the world’s knowledgeable warn of the consequences of pretending it just ain’t so.

The horrifying prospect of ancient illnesses evolving into incurable pandemics lurks, yet instead of seeking to advance medical preparedness, y’all prattle endlessly about who gets to use the cotton-pickin’ ladies room and rant endlessly about a non-existent threat to our Second Amendment rights.

Neighbors, I say again: WE need to take charge of this process and we need to do it now – before these wanna-bees drive the country irretrievably into the graveyard of history. Tell these critters to get their heads out of their – ahem – armpits or to go pound sand!

The much-irritated Confederate Yankee!

William D. “Bill” Mayers RT, RN, of Sullivan is a retired senior U.S. Army Corpsman. A certified healthcare professional since 1964, he holds two professional licenses, including that of Registered Professional Nurse licensed in New York, Alaska, Virginia and Louisiana. He has four children, two stepchildren, three grandchildren and is an avid analyst of current events.

By martha

One thought on “Confederate Yankee: Is this really the best America can do?”
  1. Well said. At bottom it is, as you note, WE the People who are responsible. Will we ever wake up, including the fact that we are way behind many countries in many areas?

    Jim Coufal

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