unnamed (8)Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz, and their team are excited to visit New York! They plan to film episodes of the hit series American Pickers in New York with filming scheduled for summer 2016.

American Pickers is a documentary series that explores the fascinating world of antique ‘picking’ on History. The hit show follows Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, two of the most skilled pickers in the business, as they hunt for America’s most valuable antiques–from motorcycles, classic cars and bicycles, to one-of-a-kind As they hit the back roads from coast to coast, Mike and Frank continue their mission to recycle America by rescuing forgotten relics and giving them a new lease on life, while learning a thing or two about American history along the way.

American Pickers is looking for leads and would love to explore your buried treasure. They are on the hunt for characters with interesting and unique items. Some of what they look for: vintage bicycles, toys, unusual radios, movie memorabilia, advertising, military items, folk art, early firefighting equipment, vintage musical equipment, automotive items, and clothing. They are always excited to find things they’ve never seen before and learn the history of them.

If you or someone you know has a large, private collection send us your: name, phone number, location and description of the collection with photos to: americanpickers@cineflix.com or call 855-old-rust.

By martha

24 thoughts on “American Pickers is coming to Madison County”
  1. Just come to Bouckville, NY (Madison County) the week of the huge antique fest–August 14-20. 1,000’s of dealers, and an array of stuff from junk to jewels along a mile or so stretch of Route 20.

  2. I’m your big fan watch all you shows and I would even drive to see you and my niebor has lots of old trackers not sure if he will sell but where I live ttherehers lots of old houses with stuff out side

  3. I know of a place thats an old car junk yard. Tons of old cars from the 50’s…maybe older too

  4. I’m sure they have the Madison/Bouckvillw area in mind, but thought I would mention it

  5. They also should come around the time of civil war weekend in Peterboro…I’m sure they can get quite a few leads from that without a doubt

  6. Need to contact Rick Robb on Collge Hill Rd. Vernon Center NY. He collects early motorcycles

  7. Unfortunately i live in oswego county but my dad loves this show and we have a lot of things they might like. So stop into oswego county 🙂

  8. I tear down old barns. Plus I save the barns that can be saved to keep the history alive. I have old bikes old hand tools ovens from 1911,axes ice tongs horse wagon old bottle

  9. Hello I am a pack rat with so many interesting items to grunt thru … just love to surround myself with interesting items and people along the many paths in life. Come check us out we do all types of music on our farm as well. kellishhillfarm.net.. sincerely Kathy

  10. Just a thought: local Historical Societies would love to have items from your private collections that pertain to our unique local story if you aren’t too desperate for the MONEY. Once an item is sold to a private collection, it’s gone.


  11. I recently went to their store in Nashville TN. With the exception of their souvenir mugs, T-shirts, and key chains (all made in China and way over-priced), they weren’t doing a lot of business. The prices on old, salvaged things was WAY out of this world except for multi-millionaires for whom ‘rustic’ is the latest decorating trend. In my opinion, once the trend goes, so will the old stuff unless it has historic significance. So think about it before you sell. Legitimate local museums will give you a tax write-off for your gift.

  12. Go to RT5 in Kirkland just past Westmoreland there is a old man that sells all
    Kinds of old stuff. He has a barn or 2 and I love picking off of him. He is across from
    Iron and wood . He has a stash his honey hole that he values above all. Nice guy
    And good stuff. And love you guys !

  13. So very excited…love these guys would so love to meet them!! DeRuyter has alot of places they could find places to pick!

  14. Oh my! Have to stop at Ma&Pa’s in canastota! The whole building is antique! This 83 year old Bar and Grill is worth their time!

  15. I know a man with quite a few relics. WOW. Dont know how he would feel if you came to his house!lol… Hope we see you when you are here.

  16. Theres aold run down 2car garage on the way to bouckville from Morrisville sits on the left hand side next to a trailer,I have seen old gas pumps and old things through the windows.You might want to stop there and ask about the contents of the building!Be careful,its pretty old!

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