As Father’s Day is nearing, author Angel Cuencas pays tribute to dads by showcasing the benefits and blessings of being a stay-at-home father in his book, “Dear Dad.”
In “Dear Dad,” author Cuencas addresses stay-at-home dads and shows them how they have been blessed with the best job in the world. They have the privilege to see their children enjoy their childhood, and they play a major role in the countless adventures of growing up.
Let’s begin your adventures with your children by reading this heartwarming book! “Dear Dad” will take you to the ocean and up into the night skies with a trip to the past. Your next adventure starts now!
Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book is available through bookstores nationwide, from the publisher at
Cuencas became a stay-at-home father for many reasons. It took him some time to embrace the idea of being home with the kids full time. He came around, and, now, he loves every day he spends with them. Cuencas’ children are his motivation to wake up every morning and strive to be his best.