Millions of dollars available to help small businesses thrive in New York State
The New York State Department of Taxation and Finance today launched a new Business Incentives webpage. The new design is a one-stop shop where new and existing business owners can learn about valuable tax credits that may be available to them.
New York State offers dozens of valuable tax breaks to help make starting or growing a business easy and affordable. The webpage provides detailed information for each credit and incentive, all in one place.
“Small businesses—97% of all businesses in the state—are the backbone of New York’s economy,” said New York State Commissioner of Taxation and Finance Jerry Boone. “This new webpage, with information about vital business resources and new tax credits, can help these businesses thrive.”
Dozens of job credits and incentives are available to businesses to hire, employ, and train local workers. Location-based property tax credits and exemptions for property improvements are also available.
Businesses are encouraged to visit the new webpage to learn more about opportunities in specific industries, such as farming and agriculture, research and development, and manufacturing.
For more information:
Business Credits and Incentives