Kim Myers will join Utica Mayor Robert Palmieri on his weekly Quality of Life Sweep on Wednesday, Aug. 3. The Mayor’s weekly sweep will begin at noon at the intersection of Genesee Street and Oriskany Boulevard and proceed south on Genesee Street.
“I’ve had the opportunity to speak to Kim several times over the past few months about a number of important issues in Utica and throughout the region,” Palmieri said. “I appreciate her taking the time and interest to learn more about our community and I am pleased to have her join us on our Sweep.”
“I am honored to have this invitation from Mayor Palmieri and get to experience first-hand what is going on in the city of Utica,” Myers said. “I’m always excited to jump in and see the creative ways that people are working to improve our communities.”
Since he took office, Palmieri and his department heads have conducted 154 Quality of Life Sweeps having covered over 340 miles throughout the city.
Neighbors and business owners are always encouraged to join the Mayor on his weekly tour of the neighborhood.