There will be a guided tour of the Canastota home of Erie Canal engineer Nathan Roberts June 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. This tour of the historic 1820s era home owned by Jay Johnson, is sponsored by the Canastota Canal
Town Museum. Tickets for the event and admission to the museum can be purchased at the Canastota Canal Town Museum, Public Library and at the event for $7. The home is located at the corner of Route 5 and Stroud St. in Canastota with parking at the NBT Bank.
During the tour of the Nathan Roberts Home you will be able to view and ask questions about a painting of Nathan Roberts acquired with funds donated in memory of Daryl Connolly by Canal Town and restored by artist Corky Goss will be unveiled. Also, items pertaining to Canastota’s history and the Erie Canal will be available for sale.