Tenney co-sponsors the Protect Kids and Parents Act
Ends the separation of families seeking asylum in the United States
Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) announced that she has co-sponsored the Protect Kids and Parents Act (H.R. 6195). This bill would end the separation of families seeking asylum in the United States and expedite the asylum process for individuals arriving in the United States with children. A Senate companion bill was introduced by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) last week.
“It is difficult to see families separated under any circumstance, especially in a circumstance when a family is seeking a safe haven. This legislation guarantees that all seeking asylum are treated humanely, while ensuring that our immigration laws are respected and enforced,” said Tenney. “Our country is open to those seeking asylum and safety; however, children should never be used as a ploy for adults to gain access to our nation illegally. Importantly, this legislation provides resources for enhanced vetting measures to protect asylum seekers from human traffickers, drug traffickers and dangerous gang members who often attempt to infiltrate vulnerable populations and take advantage of their situation to gain entrance across our border.”
What this legislation does:
- Mandates that illegal immigrant families must be kept together
- Provides for exceptions that allow a child to be removed from custody in specific circumstances, including cases involving aggravated criminal conduct or threat of harm to the child
- Provides for expedited processing and review of the cases of individuals who are here with children, so that – within 14 days – those who meet the legal standards to stay will be allowed to stay, and those who do not will be returned to their home countries with their families
- Doubles the number of federal immigration judges, an increase from roughly 375 to 750. These new judges will prioritize claims of individuals who are here with children
- Authorizes new family shelters so that children can remain with their parents while their parents’ claims are being processed