Morrisville State College reports gas main leak
A gas main near the Student Activities Center (STUAC) was struck at approximately 9:30 a.m. today as contractors worked on an underground infrastructure project.
Emergency and New York State Electric and Gas Corporation personnel responded and are addressing the incident. There is no imminent danger.
No injuries, but a few suspected migraines, were immediately reported. Staff in surrounding buildings—STUAC, the Student Health Center, Whipple Administration Building, Butcher Library, Crawford Hall and Onondaga Hall—were evacuated and are being sheltered in Seneca Dining Hall.
No unauthorized personnel are allowed to enter the affected area until an all-clear is issued.
The main entrance to South Street, including Chenango Road (near the Automotive Technology Center), has been closed until repairs can be completed.
Repairs are underway, and it is expected that the work will be completed this afternoon.
Emergencies should be reported to University Police at 315.684.6410.
Visit SUNY Morrisville’s website and social media (Facebook and Twitter) accounts for any updates.