To the Editor:
I am writing to share an update on the reopening of the Community Wellness Center. Gyms and fitness centers are in the Level IV reopening schedule, the last group scheduled to open. No definitive date has been established in Albany, but it is reasonable to assume it will toward the end of June.
Our primary concern is the health and safety for those the CWC serves. In late May, the entire facility was given a thorough decontamination by the same people who decontaminate ambulances that transport COVID-19 patients. Even though we have always had high operating standards, we will be prepared to meet a higher standard for health and safety.
Some areas we are addressing are:
- Hygiene and cleaning
- Daily screening for symptoms of COVID-19
- Communication with county/state Health Departments and our members
- A system for recording wellness screenings and contact tracking
- Managing social distancing
The CWC is a community service by Community Memorial Hospital. We are working with the Community Memorial Hospital Infectious Disease Department to implement an appropriate safety plan and to secure hand sanitizer stations, face coverings, disinfecting sprays and cleaning products.
These changes require adjustments and accommodations. Our membership is more than willing and capable to do this. We will again be a fitness center where there is laughter and friendships abound.
If you are interested in joining the CWC, call us at 315.824.0163 to set up a tour.
Sam Cooper, Hamilton