Peterboro Heritage projects will open the 2024 season with the annual Gerrit Smith Birthday Party at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, March 9, at the Smithfield Community Center in Peterboro. (He was born March 6, 1797.)
Norman K. Dann, Ph.D., the author of Gerrit Smith’s comprehensive biography, has turned his attention, research and writing to Smith’s grandson, Gerrit “Gat” Smith Miller, and will share his research and new publication, “Gat: The Life of Gerrit Smith Miller,” at the annual event. Miller was inducted into the Soccer Hall of Fame as the organizer of the Oneida Football Team of Boston in 1862. In 1869, he imported to this country the first registered Holstein-Fresian cattle. His management of rental properties in Oswego aided in the development of that thriving port city.
“Once again, Dann digs deep into Smith family history,” said Madison County Historian Matt Urtz. “Gerrit Smith Miller’s unique spot in history as the son and grandson of two of history’s most prominent social reformers, might make it hard for him to stand out. That’s not the case, as Dann tells the story of Miller’s early history in sports, his passion for animal husbandry and how he changed the dairy industry by introducing new methods, while continuing the family legacy of social philanthropy.”
“Norman Dann has given me a new appreciation of this man’s life,” said Smithfield Town Historian Donna Dorrance Burdick. “Miller was strong and dependable, giving his extended family support, guidance and encouragement. He provided much-needed employment to the residents of Peterboro, and when his beloved home was destroyed by fire, he accepted the loss with grace. Dann has illustrated how Gerrit Smith Miller, at the end, justly earned the title of Grand Old Man.”
Dann, professor emeritus at Morrisville State College, has written 10 books on Peterboro history – most of which are about the Smith family and the human rights movement. Dann lives in the Cottage Across the Brook in Peterboro, the home of Gat and Susan Dixwell Smith for 37 years.
Milton C. Sernett, Ph.D., author of “Cradle of the Breed: Gerrit Smith Miller & The Kriemhild Herd,” will follow Dann with further information about the importation of registered Holstein-Fresian cattle and will have his publication available to sell.
March 9 is the First Day of Issue for the Underground Railroad Commemorative Forever Stamps. Banners will be displayed for the persons on the stamps who have been inducted to the Abolition Hall of Fame in Peterboro.
The afternoon program will open with brief 2024 program announcements and end with a birthday cake.
Public attendance is encouraged. Admission is free.
For more information, visit, call 315.308.1890 or email